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Revision 2 as of 2022-08-28 15:34:40
Size: 2576
Editor: antonj
Comment: duplicate category marker
Revision 3 as of 2022-08-28 15:41:46
Size: 2572
Editor: antonj
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[[CategoryWorkshop]] CategoryWorkshop

3D printers in Automatic Control Workshop

The department has two Prusa i3 MK3S+.

They are accessible on http://octoprint-01.bb.control.lth.se & http://octoprint-02.bb.control.lth.se but only from Automatic Control's network.

EduRoam or LU VPN won't cut it. You can use a SSH tunnel if you need to access the printers when off-site.

The printers are controlled using octoprint servers.


See help.prusa3d.com.

Instructions for using octoprint

  • You can upload gcode through the widget in the left column. When uploaded press the printer symbol and confirm to start.
  • You replace filament in the same way as before. Make sure you start the correct printer with the correct filament.
  • If you want to cancel a print through the UI you need an user account. If you don't have one you can pause the print through the UI and restart the printer using the button below the selection knob on the printer. Refresh the octoprint page and wait until it is connected again.
  • The camera feed is on tab labeled control (IIRC).

The route *.bb.control.lth.se should be resolved by gateway.control.lth.se but is not.

Instructions on how to access *.bb.control.lth.se


  • Open administrative shell: Start > type cmd > Right-click and select run as adminstrator)

  • Run route -p ADD MASK


  • Open a terminal
  • Run sudo route -n add -net


  • Open a terminal.
  • Find your preferred device using ip link (enp* or eth* for ethernet and wlp* or wifi* for wireless). Replace in code below where it says enpXsY.

  • Store choosen interface by running DEVICE=enpXsY

  • Select from following options:

Temporarily via ip route (Most distros)

sudo ip route add via dev "$DEVICE"

NetworkManager persistent (Most distros)

sudo nmcli connection modify "$DEVICE" +ipv4.routes ""

Netplan persistent route (Ubuntu/cloud init)

Add the following to /etc/netplan/bb.control.lth.se.yaml (needs to be edited with sudo)

  version: 2
      - to:

Then run sudo netplan apply.


3dprinters (last edited 2022-09-06 10:40:01 by andersn)