
Presentations with Beamer

Beamer is an advanced package for presentations. The original documentation is available with the command

in a terminal window.

The design of the presentation is controlled by themes. Apart from the many standard themes, there is a local theme for Automatic Control. See the example using this theme

It is selected with

in the document preamble. The default version does not show frame numbers or navigation symbols. To get these use one or both options:

To create the presentation handout, use the command

A file with the name beamerExampleeight.pdf with eight images per page will be generated. Note that the command uses the .tex-file and not .ps or .pdf

The beginning of the tex file that created the example:

%% Some tikz statements come here
\title[Nonlinear Control and Servo Systems]{Nonlinear Control\\ and Servo Systems}
\subtitle{Lecture 2}
\author{Anders Robertsson}
\institute{Dept. of Automatic Control\\Lund Institute of Technology}

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

\begin{frame}{Today's Goal}
    To be able to
    \item prove local and global stability of an equilibrium point
      through Lyapunov's method \pause
    \item show stability of a set (for example, a limit cycle) through
      invariant set theorems
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  \item Slotine and Li: Chapter~3
  \item Lecture notes
% etc etc

The complete files for creating the example document are available in Gitlab:

The old versions of this theme are still available:

Computer/Latex/Beamer (last edited 2022-05-09 11:24:04 by leif)