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location: Diff for "Computer/Latex/BlockDiagramsTikZ/feedback1b_tikz"
Differences between revisions 3 and 5 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2018-02-17 16:51:14
Size: 1265
Editor: leif
Revision 5 as of 2018-06-05 15:39:02
Size: 1390
Editor: leif
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was renamed from Computer/Latex/BlockDiagrams/feedback1b_tikz
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#acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read



Download feedback1b.tex

\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning}

\tikzset{block/.style={draw, rectangle, line width=2pt,
     minimum height=3em, minimum width=3em, outer sep=0pt}}
\tikzset{sumcircle/.style={draw, circle, outer sep=0pt, 
     label=center:{{$\sum$}}, minimum width=2em}}
\tikzset{every picture/.style={auto, line width=1pt,


\node[block,right=12mm of G1](G2){$G_2$};
\node[block,below=12mm of U](G3){$G_3$};
\node[sumcircle,left=11mm of G1](sum){};
\node[coordinate, left=10mm of sum](ref){};
\node[coordinate, above=12mm of G2](dist){};
\node[coordinate, right=12mm of G2](output){};

Computer/Latex/BlockDiagramsTikZ/feedback1b_tikz (last edited 2018-06-05 15:39:02 by leif)