#acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read = Local classes and packages = Templates for some of these classes and packages are in a subdirectory ```templates``` of the ```texmf-local```-directory of your computer. For Linux it is in ```/opt/texmf-local/```. For MacOS it is in ```/usr/local/texlive```. === \documentclass{LTHreport} === This class is based on [[../LTHthesis|LTHthesis]], but uses A4 paper instead of the smaller E5 paper used by ```LTHthesis```. By default ```LTHreport``` has section as the highest subdivision. In order to have chapters instead, use the class option ```[chapter]```. The default document type (in the titlepages) is ''Techical Report'', but you may change this. For other options, [[computerLatexTemplates#LTHreport|see the Template]] and also [[../LTHthesis|LTHthesis]]. === \documentclass{LTHtwocol} === Format for two column documents. The class was originally written for student reports in the project course, FRTN40, but of course it may be used as a basis for any two column document. For options and subcommands, see the template as indicated above. === \documentclass{tentamen} === Format for exams. You can enter both problems and solutions in the same file, and print each seperatly or individually depending on the options. For additional subcommands, [[computerLatexTemplates#tentamen|see the Template]] There is also a collection of [[../BlockDiagram|block diagrams in .eps]] and [[../BlockDiagramsTikZ|block diagrams in TikZ]]. `[problemsonly]` Just prints the problems. This is the form in which exams are to be given. `[solutionsonly]` Just prints the solutions. === \documentclass{brev} === Format for letters with the address placed so it fits our window envelopes. For additional commands, see the [[attachment:brev.txt|example]]. [[computerLatexTemplates#brev|Template]] `[letterhead]` Gives a English language letter header and footer.<
> `[brevhuvud]` Gives a Swedish language letter header and footer. Also Swedish hyphenation in the letter. === \usepackage{problems} === A package for a collection of problems and solutions, either for an exam or for a collection of exercises. The class {{{tentamen}}} above uses this package implicitly, so please see its template for further information. {{{[chapter]}}} Gives problem numbering by chapter, like 2.4, otherwise it is just a single number. === \usepackage{landscapefigure} === Defines the environments {{{{landscapefigure}}}} and {{{{landscapetable}}}} to create figures and tables in landscape orientation. The widtn of captions etc. are adjusted automatically. === \usepackage{boldmath} === This is a convenience package to simplify bold math characters. It defines a number of short commands to insert bold math characters: {{{ \BA bold math A \BB bold math B etc \BZ bold math Z \Ba bold math a \Bb bold math b etc \Bz bold math z \Balpha bold math \alpha \Bbeta bold math \beta etc \Bomega bold math \omega \BDelta bold math \Delta etc \BUpsilon bold math \Upsilon }}} There are also a number of short commands for {{{\mathcal}}} characters: {{{\CA ... \CZ}}}