## page was renamed from Computer/Latex/Hyperref_tikzexternalize === Tikz Externalize and Hyperref === Tikz Externalize does not work well with Hyperref without some extra measures. In order to get around the problem, include the following lines in your preamble {{{ \tikzifexternalizing{% \newcommand{\hypersetup}[1]{} }{% \usepackage{hyperref} } \hypersetup{ colorlinks, % These are of course only example options. bookmarksnumbered, linkcolor={blue!60!black}, citecolor={blue!60!black}, urlcolor={blue!60!black} } % \hypersetup{draft} % Remove the comment character for printing. }}} === Tikz Externalize and Lualatex === In order to use tikzexternalize in lualatex another package is also necessary: {{{ \usepackage{shellesc} }}} This package may also be used with latex and pdflatex, but is necessary with lualatex. Other packages also require `{shellesc}` with lualatex, and therefore it may seem that it is not necessary sometimes. It is always necessary.