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location: Diff for "Computer/Latex"
Differences between revisions 18 and 21 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 18 as of 2013-09-13 08:47:32
Size: 1138
Editor: leif
Revision 21 as of 2013-11-17 17:22:48
Size: 1212
Editor: kristian
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 9: Line 9:
 * [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/html-guide/index.html|Hypertext Help]]  * [[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX|LaTeX Wikibook]]
Line 18: Line 18:
 * [[BlockDiagrams|Block diagrams in tikz format]]
Line 21: Line 22:
 * [[Matlab2tikz|Pretty graphics using Matlab2tikz]]

Computer/Latex (last edited 2023-10-19 15:28:14 by albheim)