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location: Diff for "Computer/Latex"
Differences between revisions 59 and 65 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 59 as of 2022-05-25 11:57:37
Size: 1849
Editor: leif
Revision 65 as of 2023-10-19 15:28:14
Size: 2293
Editor: albheim
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 8: Line 8:
 * [[https://gitlab.control.lth.se/regler/latex-templates|LaTeX templates on gitlab]]
Line 13: Line 14:
 * [[/StdPack|LaTeX, standard packages]]
 * [[/OtherPack|LaTeX, other external packages]]
Line 16: Line 15:
 * [[/FontAlternatives|Latex font alternatives]]
Line 18: Line 18:
 * [[attachment:latexkurs.pdf|LaTeX-course 2003-09-08|&do=get]]
Line 20: Line 19:
 * [[/MarginProblemPaperPlaza|Problems with margins in PaperPlaza and other pdf upload services]]
 * [[/EmbeddingFontsPDF|Embedding all fonts in pdf]]
 * [[/SvenskaTecken|Svenska tecken i LaTeX]]
Line 31: Line 27:
 * [[/LatexMk|Latexmk: Automating the document compiling process]]
 * [[https://gitlab.control.lth.se/regler/latex-templates|Templates for common LaTeX structures]]

Setting up your installation to use the local packages of Automatic Control
Line 34: Line 34:

The following entries are probably more or less obsolete.
 * [[/StdPack|LaTeX, standard packages]]
 * [[/OtherPack|LaTeX, other external packages]]
 * [[attachment:latexkurs.pdf|LaTeX-course 2003-09-08|&do=get]]
 * [[/MarginProblemPaperPlaza|Problems with margins in PaperPlaza and other pdf upload services]]
 * [[/EmbeddingFontsPDF|Embedding all fonts in pdf]]
 * [[/SvenskaTecken|Svenska tecken i LaTeX]]

Computer/Latex (last edited 2023-10-19 15:28:14 by albheim)