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Revision 54 as of 2018-08-17 13:21:51
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Revision 55 as of 2020-01-14 08:32:00
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Editor: felix
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Is a HP Laser Jet 500 color M551 printer placed in ???. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/682/morrisfullerbenton.html|Morris Fuller Benton]] who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/1273/NewCenturySchoolbook-family.html|New Century Schoolbook family of typefaces]]. Is a HP Laser Jet 500 color M551 printer placed on the fifth floor. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/682/morrisfullerbenton.html|Morris Fuller Benton]] who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/1273/NewCenturySchoolbook-family.html|New Century Schoolbook family of typefaces]].
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Is a HP 3005 printer placed in the corridor on the fifth floor. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/3315/howardkettler.html|Howard Kettler]], who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/298/courier-family.html#more|Courier family of typefaces]]. Was a HP 3005 printer placed in the corridor on the fifth floor but is unfortunately no longer in service. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/3315/howardkettler.html|Howard Kettler]], who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/298/courier-family.html#more|Courier family of typefaces]].

Printing and Scanning

(For printing posters take a look here)
You can either access the printer queues or the physical printers directly. Accessing the physical printers enables you to check things like paper status or amount of toner left etc.

Printer Queues

Printers Directly

Page Counts
















The Printers


Is a HP Laser Jet 500 color M551 printer placed on the fifth floor. It is named after Morris Fuller Benton who designed the New Century Schoolbook family of typefaces.


Is a Canon iR-ADV C5240 printer/copier/scanner placed in the robotics lab on the second floor. It is named after Kris Holmes who designed the Lucida family of typefaces.


Was a HP 3005 printer placed in the corridor on the fifth floor but is unfortunately no longer in service. It is named after Howard Kettler, who designed the Courier family of typefaces.


Is a Canon iR-ADV C5255 printer/copier/scanner placed in the little storage room on the fifth floor. It is named after Max Miedinger who designed the Helvetica family of typefaces.


Is a Canon iR-ADV C5255 printer/copier/scanner placed in the little printer cubicle in the corridor on the second floor.

Adding printers to Windows

Log out as unprivileged user and log in as administrator.

To find the printer drivers in a later stage (see below), first mapo a network drive according to

  • This Computer -> Tools -> Map Network Drive '\\regler\windows\'

Adding printers to Windows XP

Printers and Faxes -> Add Printer
Select 'Use Network Printer'
Select a 'Printer on the Internet'. Enter URL: http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/<printer>
where <printer> is Benton, BentonColor, Holmes, HolmesColor, Morison, MorisonColor, Miedinger, or MiedingerColor. Push 'Next'.

In the printer enumeration screen, select 'Use diskette'. Browse to the drive selected above, and then to 'PrinterDrivers\lpd.control.lth.se' and select lpd.control.lth.se, then select the same printer as above and accept installation of an unsigned driver.

Select 'Properties' for the newly added printer, and check that all paper sizes are selected as A4. Print a test page. Done!!

Adding printers to Windows 7

Log out as unprivileged user and log in as administrator.

Devices and Printers -> Add a printer -> Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
Don't bother letting it search for available printers. It will not find any. Instead click "The printer I want isn't listed." and then "Select a shared printer by name".
Enter http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/<printer>
where <printer> is Benton, BentonColor, Holmes, HolmesColor, Morison, MorisonColor, Miedinger, or MiedingerColor. Push 'Next'. You should get a response saying "You've successfully added <printer> on http://lpd.control.lth.se:631".

See above (Windows XP)for where to find the printer drivers

Right click on the printer icon and choose 'Printer properties'. Check that all instances of the paper size is A4 (there are probably at least three places where this choice may be made), and print a test page.

Adding printers to Windows 8.1

Log out as unprivileged user and log in as administrator.

In order to install unsigned device drivers in Windows 8 you must perform a very extra special computer restart procedure: Lower right corner of screen -> Settings -> Change PC Settings -> Update and recovery -> Recovery -> Advanced Startup -> Restart Now -> Troubleshoot -> Startup Settings -> Restart.

Press 7 when the choice screen appears during restart. Log in and proceed as for Windows 7.

Devices and Printers -> Add a printer -> Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
Don't bother letting it search for available printers. It will not find any. Instead click "The printer I want isn't listed." and then "Select a shared printer by name".
Enter http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/<printer>
where <printer> is Benton, BentonColor, Holmes, HolmesColor, Morison, MorisonColor, Miedinger, or MiedingerColor. Push 'Next'. You should get a response saying "You've successfully added <printer> on http://lpd.control.lth.se:631".

See above (Windows XP)for where to find the printer drivers

Right click on the printer icon and choose 'Printer properties'. Check that all instances of the paper size is A4 (there are probably at least three places where this choice may be made), and print a test page.

Adding Printers to Mac

In a terminal window enter the commands

sudo cupsctl BrowseProtocols=all
sudo killall -v cupsd

System Preferences -> Print & Fax
Unlock it if necessary and click the + sign to add printers. Select the printers you want (see below) from the group that end in "@ lpd". Choose "Generic Post Script" (or the Post script version that the dialogue might suggest), but not AirPrint.

Using the Scanners

Scanning on Forsberg (5th floor) or Morison (2nd floor)

  1. Push the scanner button (the fifth of the large buttons to the left).
  2. Choose "Mapp".
  3. Choose "Reglerteknik".
  4. Place the original and push the large green button.
  5. Push # when you have scanned all pages of the current document.
  6. Retreiving the scanned pages
    • Linux The scanned pages are available in the directory /work/scanners/

    • Windows Connect the network unit \\regler\scanners

    The scanned documents have timestamped names like "20100407100337993.pdf"
  7. Repeat from 4 if you have more documents to scan.

Printing from the command line

Choose a printer with 'lpr -P<printername>' or by setting the variable PRINTER to the appropriate value (Forsberg, ForsbergColor, Kettler, Morison, MorisonColor, Zapf).
Printer options are selected with 'lpr -o <option>'. To get a list of available options for the printer, type 'lpoptions -p <printer> -l'.
Note: You can send pdf-files directly to the printers. You don't need to print from acroread or xpdf.

Morison, MorisonColor, Forsberg, ForsbergColor --- most common options

Staples: -o StapleLocation=UpperLeft -o  Option1=2Cassette
One-side printing: -o Duplex=None
Number of copies: -# <number of copies>
Note: the option -o  Option1=2Cassette needs to be included in order for the printer to actually staple.

Kettler, Zapf --- most common options

One-side printing: -o Duplex=None
Number of copies: -# <number of copies>


The following command could be used to print the curriculum, 200 copies, stapled:
lpr -PMorison -# 200 -o StapleLocation=UpperLeft -o  Option1=2Cassette curriculum.pdf 
lpr -PMiedingerColor -# 200 -o Staple=1PLU curriculum.pdf 

PrintersNew (last edited 2022-08-19 12:35:31 by andersn)