#acl Known:write,read,delete,admin,revert All:read
## Old Page: http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/skrivare.html

= Printing and Scanning =

(For printing '''posters''' take a look [[http://www.ehuset.lth.se/tryckeriet/|here]])<<BR>>

Since 2022, the large printers/copiers Forsberg, Holmes and Miedinger use pull printing. Submit your document to a server, then walk to the printer of your choice and use your access card to "pull" the document to that certain printer. Instructions for Windows/MacOS users here:

== The Printers ==
##=== Benton ===
##Is a HP Laser Jet 500 color M551 printer placed on third floor close to the administration. It is named after 
##[[http://www.linotype.com/682/morrisfullerbenton.html|Morris Fuller Benton]] who designed the 
##[[http://www.linotype.com/1273/NewCenturySchoolbook-family.html|New Century Schoolbook family of typefaces]].

=== Holmes ===
Is a Canon iR-ADV C5240 printer/copier/scanner placed in the robotics lab. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/436/krisholmes.html|Kris Holmes]] who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/154873/Lucida-family.html|Lucida family of typefaces]].

=== Miedinger ===
Is a Canon iR-ADV C5255 printer/copier/scanner placed in the storage room 3N:25 on the third floor. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/522/maxmiedinger.html|Max Miedinger]] who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/526/Helvetica-family.html|Helvetica family of typefaces]].

=== Forsberg ===
Is a Canon iR-ADV C5255 printer/copier/scanner placed in another storage room 3N:23 on the third floor.

== Printing on Linux machines maintained by the department ==
Ensure that the machine is up-to-date by running {{{ sudo regler_update }}} and restarting the machine.
When printing, select '''LU-canon'''. When prompted for authentication, authenticate with {{{lucat_id@lu.se}}} and the corresponding password. This will create a printing job in the centralized queue. Go to any printer and release the job (print the document) by pressing your LU-card to the device.

== Self-managed Linux machines ==
Place [[attachment:printers.conf]] in /etc/cups/ and restart the cups service.

== Printing from a web interface ==