## page was copied from printers = Printers and Printing = You can either access the printer queues or the physical printers directly. Accessing the physical printers enables you to check things like paper status or amount of toner left etc. ||<:> '''Printer Queues'''||<:>'''Printers Directly''' ||<:>'''Page Counts''' || || [[http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/Forsberg|Forsberg]] ||<rowspan=2> [[http://forsberg.control.lth.se/|Forsberg]] ||<rowspan=2> [[http://www.control.lth.se/cgi-bin/andersb/ricoh_counter_report?forsberg|Forsberg]] || || [[http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/ForsbergColor|ForsbergColor]] || || [[http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/Morison|Morison]] ||<rowspan=2> [[http://morison.control.lth.se/|Morison]] ||<rowspan=2> [[http://www.control.lth.se/cgi-bin/andersb/ricoh_counter_report?morison|Morison]] || || [[http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/MorisonColor|MorisonColor]] || || [[http://lpd.control.lth.se:631/printers/Kettler|Kettler]] || [[http://kettler.control.lth.se/|Kettler]] || || == Adding printers to Mac and Windows == (to be written) [[http://www.wikihow.com/Share-a-CUPS-Printer-With-Apple-Mac-OS-X|Instructions]] for printing from Mac OS X. == Using the Scanners == (to be written) == Printing from the command line == (to be translated)<<BR>> Man väljer skrivare med 'lpr -P<printername>' eller genom att sätta variabeln PRINTER till lämpligt värde (Benton, Benton/Staple, Color, Color/OH, Kettler, Plan_2). <<BR>> Skrivaroptioner väljs med 'lpr -o <option>'. Vilka optioner som finns för respektive skrivare, får man genom kommandot 'lpoptions -p <skrivare> -l' Antal kopior väljes med 'lpr -# <antal kopior>' <<BR>> Observera! Det går utmärkt att skicka pdf-filer direkt till skrivarna. Man behöver alltså inte skriva ut från acroread eller xpdf. === Exempel === Följande kommando kan vara lämpligt vid utskrift av kursprogram:<<BR>> ` lpr -P Benton/Staple -# 200 kursprogram.ps`<<BR>> De skrivare som klarar av dubbelsidig utskrift har det som standard. Vill man ha en enkelsidig utskrift skriver man <<BR>>` lpr -P Benton -o Duplex=None <filnamn>` == The Printers == === Forsberg === Is a Ricoh Aficio MPC3000 printer/copier/scanner placed in the library on the fifth floor. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/710/karl-erikforsberg.html|Karl-Erik Forsberg]] who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/133/berling-family.html|Berling family of typefaces]]. === Morison === Is a Ricoh Aficio MPC2500 printer/copier/scanner placed in the little printer cubicle in the corridor on the second floor. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/510/stanleymorison.html|Stanley Morison]] who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/1537/times-family.html|Times family of typefaces]] === Kettler === Is an HP 2420 printer placed in the corridor on the fifth floor. It is named after [[http://www.linotype.com/3315/howardkettler.html|Howard Kettler]], who designed the [[http://www.linotype.com/298/courier-family.html#more|Courier family of typefaces]].